Dooms découvre Finding Bigfoot !

21 Mar 2017 | Jeux vidéo

Finding Bigfoot

Aujourd’hui nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter la 266e vidéo de notre chronique dédiée aux gameuses, Les Filles Aux Manettes ! Dans ce 266e numéro, Dooms découvre Finding Bigfoot !

Cette chronique présentera un avis féminin sur différents types de jeux mais, la plupart du temps, elle sera là pour vous détendre et vous reposer après une longue et dure journée. Elle est animée par 7 filles extraordinaires : LeaChoueAmyRose , Sunsup , Dooms , Jodie Dreams , Nyska34 et Kilira !

Finding Bigfoot

It all started in the spring of 2016. The newspapers Jasper published message about the disappearance of a group of tourists in the national park. Police believe it was just an accident, because the band went to raft on the river. But your team sure that this definitely involves one of the most elusive creatures that are called Bigfoot or Sasquatch. You and your team of researchers decide to get to the truth…

Be resourceful and test your strength in the Bigfoot hunting, and remember that even the most experienced hunter can become victim…
We pay great attention to the creation of artificial intelligence of the monster, it will be as realistic as possible, also bigfoot will have magical power. There will be available large area for hunting, with lakes, swamps and caves.

– The game is developed on Unreal Engine 4.
– Local Co-op is designed for up to 3 people.