Twitch présente sa politique sur le harcèlement et les comportements haineux

9 Déc 2020 | Jeux vidéo


Twitch partage aujourd’hui sa nouvelle politique « Trust & Safety » actualisée sur les comportements à caractère haineux et de harcèlement. C’est une étape importante dans les efforts continus de Twitch pour créer une communauté plus sûre et inclusive sur sa plateforme. Ces nouvelles règles sont le fruit de plusieurs mois de recherche, d’échanges avec la communauté, de retours d’expérience, et de consultation avec des experts en matière de confiance et de sécurité.

Vous trouverez ici et ci-dessous l’article de blog mis à jour afin de pouvoir en prendre connaissance dès maintenant. Cette nouvelle politique ne sera mise en œuvre qu’à partir du 22 janvier, ce qui laissera le temps à la communauté de se familiariser et de comprendre les nouvelles règles avant leur entrée en vigueur. Tous les contenus créés le 22 janvier ou après cette date devront être conforme aux nouvelles règles.

Introducing Our New Hateful Conduct & Harassment Policy

Every day, millions of people come together on Twitch to share their passion and skill, support their favorite streamers, and connect with friends. Communities on Twitch are diverse and are growing rapidly, representing nearly every interest, background, and language around the globe. As we evolve, it’s necessary to revisit and update policies to make sure all streamers and all communities can create together safely on Twitch.

Today, we’re introducing an updated Hateful Conduct and Harassment Policy. This new policy will take effect on January 22, 2021. Content created on or after January 22 will be evaluated under the new guidelines.

These changes are intended to better protect the community, not to be punitive, so we are sharing them before the updated policy goes into effect to ensure you have adequate time to understand what is changing. During this education period, our Safety team will continue to moderate content using the existing guidelines. We understand that any change in policy requires you to invest time to read the new language and consider how it might impact your behavior, and we are grateful for your support as we work together to make Twitch safer for everyone.

Why Now

We know that many people on Twitch–particularly women, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, Black, Indigenous, and people of color–unfortunately continue to experience a disproportionate amount of harassment and abuse online, including on our service. Not only is this blatantly unacceptable, it also undermines the community we’re building on Twitch and threatens the long term viability of streaming as a career for everyone who wishes to pursue it.

We’re incredibly proud of our Creators who show up every day to create great content and build welcoming spaces for their communities, and facing harassment because of race, gender, or any other protected characteristic is unacceptable and has no place on Twitch.

We developed the new policy to take a clearer and more consistent stance against hate and harassment, and to give you greater insight on what is and isn’t acceptable on Twitch. Hateful conduct and harassment have always been prohibited, but we’ve added more detail explaining the behaviors that fall into these categories. We’ve also added specific examples to help you understand how the policy is applied in practice.

This policy is the culmination of a months-long process incorporating extensive research within our community and consultation with industry experts across fields, as well as our Safety Advisory Council. We also drew heavily on a review of past cases to identify edge cases, and opportunities for clarification. Understanding how we’ve historically enforced these policies helped us address common points of confusion and increase enforcement consistency.

What’s New in the Policy

To ensure we’ve provided adequate detail, we’ve broken the policy out into three sections: Harassment, Hateful Conduct, and Sexual Harassment, and we’ll walk through key takeaways for each.

Words and actions have meaning and impact, even if your intent is not meant to be hurtful or cause harm. And even if the target of your behavior or comments isn’t bothered by them, others in the community may nevertheless feel impacted by it. Under the new policy, our Safety team will look at the content of statements or actions in order to determine whether a behavior is abusive and violates our guidelines, rather than relying solely on perceived intent.

As a consequence of this, our assessment of some areas, including some types of harassment, may rely on indications that a behavior is unwanted, including channel time-outs, bans or reports from the targeted user or a mod team. This will provide us with the necessary context to ensure we aren’t punishing people for good natured or competitive banter that is accepted in some communities. That said, we’ll continue to weigh both the perspective of the reporter and the content under review to reach a determination. We expect these changes to improve overall enforcement consistency as they reduce subjectivity in the review process.


Harassment encompasses targeted attacks through attention seeking behaviors that are designed to disrupt, harm and or hijack a community or stream. People experience harassment in many ways, including personal attacks, promotion of physical harm, and malicious brigading. We do not allow harassment on Twitch and will take action to remove it from our service. We do want to enable users to express themselves naturally with their friends and communities without fear that these interactions could be misidentified as harassment. If you feel that a behavior crosses the line into abuse, we encourage you to use our report feature or take channel-level action to indicate that a behavior is unwanted so that we have the context we need to take appropriate action. We take your reports seriously, and each report is sent to a member of our Safety team for review.

Beyond that, several of the changes in this updated policy make certain aspects of our longstanding policy clearer and more explicit. For example, the following behaviors are expressly prohibited:

  • Claiming that the victim of a well-documented violent tragedy is a crisis actor, or is lying
  • Encouraging others to DDoS, hack, doxx, or swat another person
  • Inciting malicious raids of another person’s social media profiles off Twitch


For more examples, you can review the Community Guidelines and our Learn More article on Harassment.

Hateful Conduct

Harassment becomes hateful conduct when the attack is based on identity characteristics. We consider the following identity-based attributes to be protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, color, caste, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, serious medical condition, and veteran status. We’ve added caste, color, and immigration status to this list to ensure we are evolving with our global community and providing sufficient protection for under-represented groups.

We’ve included more detail so you can better understand which behaviors would cross the line. For example, hate speech and symbols have always been prohibited, and we’ve added explicit language banning hate groups, membership in hate groups, and sharing of hate group propaganda. We’ve also specifically prohibited black/brown/yellow/redface unless they are being used in an explicitly educational context. Again this is not new, but the new guidelines will make the standard clearer for everyone. For more examples of prohibited behaviors, read our Learn More article on Hateful Conduct.

The following changes should also be noted:

  • Emotes are an important part of how we communicate with one another on Twitch, but they can be used maliciously. So emote combinations, even without additional text used in chat, will be held to this policy
  • Given its historic and symbolic association with slavery and white supremacist groups in the US, displaying the Confederate flag is prohibited


Sexual Harassment

While sexual harassment has always been prohibited on Twitch, we’ve heard from our community that our guidelines didn’t adequately account for harassing behaviors that are sexual in nature. With this update we’ve separated sexual harassment into its own category and adopted a much lower tolerance for objectifying or harassing behavior.

Notable changes include:

  • Repeatedly commenting on someone’s perceived attractiveness, even in what you believe to be a positive or complimentary manner, is prohibited if there is indication that it’s unwelcome (i.e. you’ve been asked to stop, timed-out, or channel-banned)
  • Making lewd or explicit comments about anyone’s sexuality or physical appearance is prohibited. Note that we do not make an exception for public figures
  • Sending unwanted/unsolicited links to nude images or videos is prohibited


This is another step toward recognizing our safety visions for Twitch. We do recognize we still have a lot of work to do, and we are committed to investing the necessary time and resources to get this right. We also want to acknowledge our appreciation to you, the community, for joining us in this shared commitment to make Twitch better, and for providing us with feedback along the way.

How to Learn More

We want to make sure you have the information you need and the opportunity to ask questions and get clarity before we start enforcing these new rules on January 22. So, we’ve set up three live sessions where we’ll walk you through the changes and what they mean for you, and answer your questions. If you can’t catch these live, the VODs will be available for you to check out too.

12/11 Creator Camp: Deep Dive on the Policy

10am on /CreatorCamp

While it’s called “Creator Camp,” the entire Community is invited! Join us for a live discussion of key policy changes. We’ll also answer questions from chat.

12/16 Town Hall: Overview of the Policy and Enforcement

10am on /twitch

We will discuss safety on Twitch, our goals for this new policy, and answer questions from chat.

1/6 Creator Camp: Reviewing FAQ since Launch

12pm on /CreatorCamp

We’ll return to the Creator Camp stage to do a rundown of frequently asked questions since the policy was announced and provide an opportunity to ask any last questions before enforcement begins.

Review the full policy language here.